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Asus ROG Strix Radeon RX 570 Gaming 4GB GDDR5 Video graphic card

Buy Asus ROG Strix Radeon RX 570 Gaming 4GB GDDR5 - cheapest price

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The  Asus ROG Strix series includes DirectCU II technology with which the fans give the graphics a 30% reduction in temperature and three times quieter operation.

This model comes with an AMD chip, specifically the RX 570, a mid-range card but is able to develop more than enough potential in any game with high quality and without losing FPS.

It is for its price, around 150 €, one of the best in terms of quality / price of AMD. With its core speed at 1300MHz, ultra quiet fans and customizable colors, this graphic is intended for those people who without spending a lot of money want to opt for a medium / high graphic quality, yes, with this graphics forget about playing in Ultra to the latest releases.

Its most direct competitor of Nvidia is the 1050, and offering practically the same performance we have a graph very similar to a much lower price.

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