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PlayStation 5 Digital Edition Console

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On November 12th, the long-awaited PlayStation 5, Sony's new console, will finally be on the market and will be available in two different editions: PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition. In Gocdkeys we want to help you book your PS5 Digital Edition at the best price you'll find on the Internet thanks to our great price comparison

How can I find the best price for the new PlayStation 5 Digital Edition?

To fulfill our mission, we used our price and offer search engine, now adapted to locate the most relevant price variations of this new console, so you can book the new PS5 Digital Edition at the best possible price. In the price list that you will see above, the most relevant internet stores that currently have reservations for the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition are listed.

It may be that during the first months, most stores have very similar prices, as the launch price will have a standard price of 399 euros, although over time will appear offers and discounts that will be reflected in the price comparison for this console. If you are not one of those people who want the PS5 Digital Edition from day one, in Gocdkeys you will find the most useful tool to be aware of future discounts and price reductions that each store will make.

What versions of the PlayStation 5 will you find in Gocdkeys?

At the moment we will only list the basic pack of the console, which includes the new PS5 along with a controller, although in the future there will surely be other packs with games, with two controllers or with a subscription to PlayStation Plus. We will tell you what kind of edition it is before you buy it.

What advantages will we get if we buy the Play Station 5 Digital Edition?

In principle, the big difference between the Digital Edition and the normal edition is that the former will not have a Blue Ray disc player for the games, so the standard cost is 100 euros less than the normal edition. 

Apart from this, both consoles have the same power and technical specifications. The PlayStation 5 Digital Edition has an ultra high speed solid state drive SSD with which you will enjoy the maximum loading speed in your games as you have never seen before, so you can play all the games in the PlayStation catalog without losing quality even if you do not have the disk in physical format. With 4K graphics and 8K outputs you will be able to enjoy the maximum image quality on your TV. 

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